Demineralization Plant | DM Plant

DM Plant is also known as Demineralization plant. It works on the operating principles of ion-exchange to remove the dissolved mineral ions like sodium, magnesium, calcium etc from the water. DM water plant has 3 vessels namely cation exchanger, anion exchanger & Mix-Bed ( Super charge ) vessel.

When the water gets passed from these three vessels it becomes ion free. As the cations get exchanged with hydrogen ions in first bed, the anions are exchanged with hydroxyl ions, in the second one. The resultant water is chloride free having zero TDS & Zero conductivity. This water is called Demineralised water or Deionized water.

We manufactures Demineralization (DM) Plants of wide ranges from smallest 100 LPH to industrial grade 50,000 LPH capacity for the industries need chloride free water for their operations

The Applications of Demineralization ( DM ) Plant are :

In Cosmetics Industry : Cosmetics products are manufactured in Demineralised water to increase product quality & reduce the risks & impacts of salts on the skin.

In Automobile Industry : DM Water is used in automobile batteries to ensure longer battery service life. The ions present in the normal water degrades the internal lead plates of the battery. In Boiler Applications : In boiler DM Water is used because it doesn’t leave any residue & Scale formations inside the boiler.

In Laboratory Applications : DM water is used laboratories during experimenting with various chemicals , as ions present in the normal water tend to modify the results & reaction can happen abnormally.